Ophiuchus and Cetus, have you heard of the controversial new zodiac signs?
What would happen if the zodiac signs went from 12 to 14? Well, all the dates would vary and many people would have to change their lifelong sign for a different one.
Every year the debate about this change goes viral and in 2023 there is talk of changing the zodiac signs once again.
Photo: Pexels - Efrem Efre
How is the supposed "new horoscope" supposed to work? And when did this change begin to be considered?
It all began in 1995 when Jacqueline Mitton, from the Royal British Astronomy Society, announced on the BBC that the zodiac is not made up of 12 signs, but 13. This conclusion was reached after taking into account the link between zodiac signs and star constellations.
Photo: Unsplash - Jabu Pabis
Then in 2016, NASA confirmed the presence of Ofiuco as a new constellation, although four years later they had to clarify that "we study astronomy, not astrology. We have not changed the zodiac, we have only made astronomical calculations".
Photo: Unsplash - Greg Rakozy
And to add to the confusion, Cetus bursts in, a constellation and (for some) a sign that would be placed between Aries and Pisces. It would be represented by a sea monster that was killed by Perseus, according to Greek mythology.
Photo: From Johannes Hevelius - Scanned by: Torsten Bronger 2003 April 4Source description: - Atlas Coelestis. Johannes Hevelius drew the constellation in Uranographia, his celestial catalog in 1690. Source: Wikimedia Commons
Those who defend the current zodiacal order argue that the 12 moons have a year coincide perfectly with the 12 current signs. However, those who bet on change and the introduction of two new signs believe that the zodiac is reconfigured as follows.
Photo: Unsplash - Vedrana Filipovic
Current date of Aries - March 21 to April 19.
Photo: Pixabay
Current date of Taurus - April 20 to May 20.
Photo: Pixabay
Current date of Gemini - May 21 to June 20.
Photo: Pixabay
Current date of Cancer - June 21 to July 22.
Photo: Pixabay
Current date of Leo - July 23 to August 22.
Photo: Pixabay
Virgo current date - August 23 to September 22.
Photo: Pixabay
Current date of Libra - September 23 to October 22.
Photo: Pixabay
Current date of Scorpio - October 23 to November 21.
Photo: Pixabay
Ophiuchus is located between Scorpio and Sagittarius, as confirmed by NASA.
Photo: Pixabay
Sagittarius current date - November 22 to December 21.
Photo: Pixabay
Current date of Capricorn - December 22 to January 19.
Photo: Pixabay
Current date from - January 20 to February 18.
Photo: Pixabay
Current date of Pisces - February 19 to March 20.
Photo: Pixabay
Despite its large size, the constellation Cetus only contains two stars with an apparent magnitude less than 3: Alpha Ceti and Beta Ceti.
Photo: Pixabay
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