Major setback for Russia as Ukraine takes out critical equipment

What did they lose and why is it important?
Intelligence operators struck a R-330Zh Zhitel
They got help from the 45th Artillery Brigade
The system was found, identified, and targeted
The attack occurred on July 6th in Donetsk
Electronic warfare is increasingly important
What is the  R-330ZH Zhitel?
It can also jam cellular and satellite signals
Another R-330ZH Zhitel was destroyed recently
Hit with a Himars strike
Found by a Ukrainian Shark drone
Located hiding among some trees
Another system was destroyed in April
Found on the frontlines in Zaporizhzhia
Operators used rocket artillery
What the strike footage showed
What did they lose and why is it important?

The Russian Armed Forces suffered the loss of key military equipment after an operation by Ukrainian intelligence officers and the 45th Artillery Brigade, a recent report states.

Intelligence operators struck a R-330Zh Zhitel

The Defense Intelligence of Ukraine revealed on Telegram that its operators destroyed a Russian R-330Zh Zhitel electronic warfare system after it was found hiding in Ukraine. 

Photo Credit: Wiki Commons By, CC BY 4.0

They got help from the 45th Artillery Brigade

Operators from the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine's Active Operations Department and an aerial reconnaissance unit from the 45th Artillery Brigade found the Russian system. 

Photo Credit: Telegram @DIUkraine

The system was found, identified, and targeted

After the R-330Zh Zhitel was found and successfully identified, it was targeted and then destroyed. The Russian system was attacked in the village of Novoluhanske in Donetsk. 

Photo Credit: Telegram @DIUkraine

The attack occurred on July 6th in Donetsk

The strike occurred on July 6th and the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine report revealed that its operators also hit a logistics center containing ammunition and tank equipment. 

Photo Credit: Telegram @DIUkraine

Electronic warfare is increasingly important

Electronic warfare has become an increasingly important aspect of the conflict unfolding in Ukraine, so the loss of an R-330Zh Zhitel system is a major victory for the Ukrainians. 

Photo Credit: Telegram @DIUkraine

What is the R-330ZH Zhitel?

According to Army Recognition, the R-330ZH Zhitel is a jamming communication station that was designed to detect, analyze, and find the positions of a wide variety of signals. 

Photo Credit: Wiki Commons  By Vitaly V. Kuzmin, CC BY-SA 4.0

It can also jam cellular and satellite signals

The R-330ZH Zhitel can also jam cellular and satellite communications from frequencies ranging between 100 to 2,000 megahertz (MHz), which makes it a very useful weapon. 

Another R-330ZH Zhitel was destroyed recently

The Ukrainian military news website Militarnyi previously reported in May that the Ukrainian Armed Forces discovered and destroyed another R-330ZH Zhitel in the Donetsk region. 

Photo Credit: Telegram @savelifeua

Hit with a Himars strike

An American-supplied High Mobility Rocket Artillery System (Himars) was used to strike and destroy the R-330ZH Zhitel system with help from a drone that oversaw the attack. 

Photo Credit: Telegram @savelifeua

Found by a Ukrainian Shark drone

The drone used in the attack was a Ukrainian-made Shark unmanned aerial vehicle that Militarnyi reported was supplied to defense forces by the Come Back Alive Foundation. 

Located hiding among some trees

The Shark drone initially spotted the R-330ZH Zhitel hiding among a group of trees and also helped to adjust the fire of the rocket artillery operators, according to Militarnyi. 

Photo Credit: Telegram @savelifeua

Another system was destroyed in April

Ukrainian special forces from the country’s 3rd Separate Assault Brigade also destroyed an R-330ZH Zhitel system in April and reported details about the operation on Telegram.

Photo Credit: Telegram  @ukr_sof

Found on the frontlines in Zaporizhzhia

"During reconnaissance operations on the Zaporizhzhia front, operators of the 3rd Separate Regiment of Special Operations Forces detected a R-330Zh Zhitel electronic warfare system,” the report read according to Ukrainska Pravda. 

Operators used rocket artillery

“Operators adjusted the fire on the enemy target from a Rocket Forces and Artillery unit of the Defence Forces. A R-330Zh Zhitel jamming system was destroyed as a result of coordinated efforts." the report added.

What the strike footage showed

Video footage published along with the report revealed the destruction of the R-330Zh Zhitel system, revealing the destructive power of a properly zeroed-in rocket artillery strike. 

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