Will Russia's decreased military prowess lead its neighbors to invade?

Once mighty Moscow could face its own problems someday
Most of the world once feared Russian power
Pouncing on Putin’s failures
Russia’s damaged reputation
Moscow isn’t an unbeatable empire
Creating the wrong world
Embroiled in Ukraine
Japan’s opening moves
“Illegal occupation”
An interesting development
Revealing Russia’s diminished power
Is China a threat?
The fake image
Manchuria and Russia
Should the Kremlin be worried?
Using Russia’s own argument
China's 2023 Standard Map
Other scenarios
Kaliningrad or Krolewiec?
Angry comments from the Kremlin
An interesting question
Once mighty Moscow could face its own problems someday

When the Russian Armed Forces began their full-scale invasion of Ukraine they were considered one of the world's most fearsome fighting forces. Moscow's military was only second to that of the United States but war Vladimir Putin started has changed the that dynamic.

Most of the world once feared Russian power

Most of the world feared Russia prior to the invasion of Ukraine, but poor performance on the battlefield after nineteen months of fighting has seriously degraded the Kremlin's military forces and destroyed the myth that Moscow harbored an invincible juggernaut.

Pouncing on Putin’s failures

It didn’t take long for world leaders to realize that the Russian invasion was not going as well as Putin had hoped. Global media pounced on Putin’s failures and praised Ukraine as it battled to fight off Moscow’s invasion. But this could have serious consequences.

Russia’s damaged reputation

While it’s good Russia isn’t winning the war in Ukraine. The destruction of the country’s reputation as the world's second-greatest superpower has put humanity at far greater risk. Mostly because Russia’s neighbors are no longer afraid of Moscow or its military. 

Moscow isn’t an unbeatable empire

“Everyone knows Russia is not the unbeatable empire Moscow was at pains to portray itself as both outwardly and inwardly,” wrote the Telegraph’s Svitlana Morenets, adding just as Moscow eyed up Ukraine, other countries are now looking at Russia hungrily. 

Creating the wrong world

Morenets argued that the Kremlin should be wary about creating a world where territory can be taken by force because such a reality would only invite other powerful countries to start picking off pieces of Russia for themselves, and we are already seeing changes. 

Embroiled in Ukraine

Shortly after it became apparent that there was little Russia could do while embroiled in Ukraine, countries that had had long-standing disputes with Moscow began asserting their politics and facing down the country that had ruled Eurasia since World War II. 

Japan’s opening moves

Japan was the first to voice its dissatisfaction with Russia and pointed out that Moscow was still occupying parts of what Tokyo considered Japanese land in the Kuril Islands. 

“Illegal occupation”

"It is completely unacceptable that the Northern Territories have yet to be returned since the Soviet Union's illegal occupation of them 77 years ago," a Japanese statement read in February 2023 according to a report from The Russian New Agency (TASS). 

An interesting development

TASS noted that the statement from the Japanese government was the first time the words illegal occupation had been uttered in reference to the Kuril Islands since 2018.

Revealing Russia’s diminished power

Though it may not seem like much to most onlookers, the reintroduction of such strong language at the international level revealed exactly how diminished Russian prestige was in the eyes of its neighbors, and not all of them will be as benevolent as Japan. 

Is China a threat?

One of the most worrying signs of things that may still be to come for Russia came from one of its only remaining allies, China. In March, an altered image circulated around the internet allegedly showing Central China Television airing a map with Russia after its collapse. 

The fake image

The image was later proved to be fake according to Reuters but the debate it ignited in China revealed that boiling below the surface of the country’s limitless partnership with Russia was tension to see the land taken from China by Moscow returned to the fold. 

Manchuria and Russia

Big parts of Manchuria—former Chinese territory— were lost to Russia at the end of the Second World War according to Noēma Magazine, and still belong to Moscow today. Manchuria is now strategically important for China and awash with badly needed natural resources. 

Should the Kremlin be worried?

“Important cities and military harbors were built on these lands,” Noēma Magazine said, adding that under Russia the area was largely underdeveloped and that Chinese migration to the area has come to worry Moscow. But why would that be worrying for the Kremlin?

Using Russia’s own argument

One theory could be that China would use the same excuse to protect ethnic Russians in Ukraine in order to justify an invasion of parts of Russia that the Chinese government may want to see returned since they could prove to be vitally important in the future. 

China's 2023 Standard Map

Interestingly, China laid down more claims on Russian territory when the country's Ministry of Natural Resources published its 2023 Standard Map, which claimed the Russian portion of Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island according to Newsweek.

Photo Credit: Twitter @globaltimesnews

Other scenarios

As of now, nothing is likely to happen in Russia’s far east but there is a case to be made that the area known as Kaliningrad could see an invasion from Poland if Russian power and prestige continue to slip away in Ukraine. 

Kaliningrad or Krolewiec?

In May, Poland returned to using the historical Polish name for the city of Kaliningrad, which gives its name to the Russian Kaliningrad enclave. The unilateral renaming of Kaliningrad to Krolewiec seemed to anger the Russians according to The Guardian.

Angry comments from the Kremlin

“We know that throughout history Poland has slipped from time to time into this madness of hatred towards Russians,” Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov told reporters during a briefing. 

An interesting question

Poland has made no claim on Kaliningrad as of now but the situation does raise some interesting questions. If Russian power continues to decline, could we see an invasion from one of Russia’s neighbors aimed at retaking their historical lands? 

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