Kamala Harris is becoming an increasingly popular figure to challenge Trump

Harris is getting noticed in new polls and betting odds
The Vice President has been quite unpopular
Some saw Harris as a major liability for Biden
Polling suggested she couldn’t win an election
Americans don’t see Harris as very trustworthy
Most people think she would lose an election
Democrats did back Harris for president
Independents wouldn’t really support Harris
“She’s done an admirable job”
The same problem many Vice President’s face
Harris isn’t associated with foreign policy
Things have changed quickly
Betting odds began to favor Harris
Harris performs better against Trump than Biden
Where Harris performs better than Biden
An interesting prospect
Harris is getting noticed in new polls and betting odds

Vice President Kamala Harris has been a relatively unpopular political personality ever since she made her first run at the presidency, and her time as Joe Biden’s number two has not helped her win over the American people. 

The Vice President has been quite unpopular

“Her 3-1/2 year White House tenure has been characterized by a lackluster start, staff turnover, and early policy portfolios including migration from Central America that did not produce major successes,” Reuters wrote of the Vice President’s time in office. 

Some saw Harris as a major liability for Biden

“As recently as last year, many inside the White House and the Biden campaign team privately worried Harris was a liability for the campaign,” Reuters continued, and recent polling revealed some of the issues with Harris as a possible presidential candidate.

Polling suggested she couldn’t win an election

Polling conducted by Politico and Morning Consult from as recently as the end of May 2024 found that registered voters don’t see Harris as a strong leader. Only 48% of the nearly 4,000 individuals surveyed indicated as much. 


Americans don’t see Harris as very trustworthy

Americans also don’t see Harris as trustworthy either since 46% of people reported that when asked according to the findings by Politico and Morning Consult. Most voters also did not think of the Vice President as someone who could win a presidential election. 

Most people think she would lose an election

An overwhelming majority of 57% of those surveyed indicated that Harris couldn’t win an election compared to 34% who thought she could, a result that varied depending on the political affiliation of the person being asked. 

Democrats did back Harris for president

Most Democrats believed Harris could win an election with 59% saying so, but when it came to Republicans, an overwhelming majority (81%) noted that the Vice President would not be able to win a presidential election. 

Independents wouldn’t really support Harris

The most important group of voters—independents— sided with Republicans and 62% agreed that Harris likely wouldn’t win a prescient election if she were a contender, which was a very worrying discovery at the time. 

“She’s done an admirable job”

“She’s done an admirable job on reproductive health and issues important to the Black community and related to youth,” explained the climate activist and Democratic National Committee member R.L. Miller to Politico. 

The same problem many Vice President’s face

Miller went on to add that at the same time, the Vice President was “falling into the same spot that many vice presidents fall into, which is that she doesn’t have a very public role outside of her lane.”

Harris isn’t associated with foreign policy

“People don’t associate her with issues like foreign policy, which is so important these days. She isn’t being credited with the larger international and domestic work.” Miller continued. But things have shifted, and they shifted quickly. 

Things have changed quickly

Biden’s terrible performance during his first of two presidential debates with Trump reinvigorated support for Harris as calls for Biden to step down from the reins of power have grown stronger from both inside and outside of the Democratic Party. 

Betting odds began to favor Harris

On July 2nd, betting odds on Harris winning the 2024 presidential election surged with some major institutions while Biden’s odds slumped according to Newsweek. Polling also began to reveal that the Vice President would perform better than Biden against Trump. 

Harris performs better against Trump than Biden

Trump would still likely beat Harris, he took 47% of the vote share to Harris’ 45% in the CNN poll released July 3rd whereas Biden would lose to Trump by 6 points with the former president capturing 49% of the vote while Biden would only net 43%. 

Where Harris performs better than Biden

Harris saw more support from female voters and Black votes than Biden did when she was paired against Trump, and the Vice President performed better with independents. Harris captured 43% of independents while Biden only had support from 34%. 

An interesting prospect

Unfortunately, whether or not Harris could beat Trump is likely moot since Biden has said several times since his debate with Trump that he intends to continue his run for president, though seeing the Vice President take over would be interesting. 

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