Russia lost 69 artillery systems in just three days

Is this a sign the counteroffensive is coming?
69 artillery systems lost
A tough day for Russian artillery
Two more days of pain
Providing context for the conflict
Things are heating up
Breaking down the numbers
Destroyed artillery climbed by 65%
The most important weapons in the war
Artillery still rules the battlefield
The war by the numbers
Russia has outshot Ukraine by a lot
Ukraine’s dwindling daily averages
The pressure isn't letting up
Is this a sign the counteroffensive is coming?

Fighting in Ukraine has been intensifying over the last couple of weeks and it has led to significant losses of Russian artillery systems according to the Ukrainian General Staff. 

69 artillery systems lost

Russian forces lost 69 artillery systems over the course of three days between May 13th and May 15th based on Russia’s total daily combat losses claimed by the General Staff. 

A tough day for Russian artillery

May 13th was one of the single worst days for artillery losses Russia has had since the start of the war with the Ukrainian General Staff quoting the destruction of 27 systems.

Two more days of pain

The following two days both saw the destruction of 21 artillery systems, which brought the total number of Russian losses in the war to 3137 different pieces of equipment. 

Providing context for the conflict

While the numbers provided by Ukraine’s General Staff have not been independently verified, they do provide some interesting insight into the pace of the conflict at present. 

Things are heating up

On May 11th, Kyiv Post reporter Stefan Korshak pointed out that the number of artillery systems destroyed by Ukraine had seen a marked increase in the previous two weeks. 

Breaking down the numbers

Between April 28th and May 11th, the Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed 166 mortars, howitzers, and cannon artillery systems while in the same two-week period one month earlier the Ukrainian Armed Forces only destroyed 108 systems according to Korshak. 

Destroyed artillery climbed by 65%

The increase in destroyed artillery climbed by 65% according to Korshak, who hinted in his reporting that such a large jump in destruction could indicate that Ukrainian forces were laying the groundwork for its long-awaited spring counter-offensive. 

The most important weapons in the war

While the increase wasn’t a sure sign that the Ukrainian counter-offensive is imminent, it did reveal again just how important this technology has been for both sides in the war. 

"An artillery war"

“The war in Ukraine has become an artillery war,” the Center of Strategic International & Studies’ Mark Cancian and James Anderson wrote in a January article on how artillery systems had come to dominate the battlefields in Ukraine. 

"An environment where ground firepower trumps maneuver"

“Stable front lines, increasingly effective kill chains, and reduced scope for air power have created an environment where ground firepower trumps maneuver, at least for the moment,” the military researchers wrote. 

Artillery still rules the battlefield

Cancian and Anderson argued that while the High Mobility Rocket Systems and Javelin anti-tank missiles had come to dominate news headlines, it was still modern artillery that ruled the battlefield based on “the intensity of its use.” And they weren't wrong. 

The war by the numbers

According to figures reported by The Hill in April, Ukraine was firing 6000 shells per day on average in August 2022, a number which dropped to 5000 in the fall and then just 3000 by November whereas Russia was firing 25,000 to 30,000 from April to August 2022. 

Russia has outshot Ukraine by a lot

“The big-picture story on artillery usage over the past 14 months goes something like this. Russia has used far more artillery than Ukraine, but both sides have used a lot,” wrote journalists from The Hill. 

Ukraine’s dwindling daily averages

The Hill noted that Ukraine’s dwindling daily average artillery usage was probably done to help conserve the country’s firepower for the counter-offensive, which if true, would show just how important the Ukrainian high command believes artillery will be to their success. 

The pressure isn't letting up

It's too early to tell now if the increased number of Russian artillery systems being destroyed is linked to the start of Ukraine’s counter-offensive. But it does seem like the pressure isn’t letting up. On May 16th the Ukrainian General Staff claimed it destroyed another 13 artillery systems while 16 systems were destroyed on May 17th. 

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