Russia predicts the Trump verdict will lead to a nationwide insurrection

The Second Civil War?
Riots, rebellion, revenge
The Stormy Daniels case
A rigged trial?
Echo chambers
Another January 6?
Hanging judge...
Not All Trump supporters...
Rage Against the Machine
Agree to disagree
There are Republicans and then there are Republicans...
The view from abroad
Moscow stands with Donald Trump
Matveychev speaks out
The kettle calling the pot 'totalitarian'
With friends like this...
The Second Civil War?

The American Civil War saw brother fighting against brother in a nation divided against itself. Many people are wondering if in such time of political polarization, another one is on the way.

Riots, rebellion, revenge

Reuters reports that supporters of former US president Donald Trump have been going online, calling for riots, rebellion, and violent retribution.

The Stormy Daniels case

The fiery comments were ignited by the ruling of the Stormy Daniels trial, when the former US President was declared guilty of paying an adult film star to avoid talking to the press.

A rigged trial?

“This was a disgrace, this was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge who was corrupt,” Trump decried afterward to reporters, as quoted by Reuters.

Echo chambers

According to Reuters, there were calls on Trump-aligned websites such as Truth Social to assault the jurors, execute the judge, and an outright civil war or armed insurrection.

Another January 6?

Some commentators even have claimed that situations like the ones seen during the Capitol riot could be seen again sooner than expected it.

Hanging judge...

British newspaper The Independent writes that Trump followers have been using coded language over platforms such as Truth Social inciting people to “short drop” (that is, death by hanging) judge Juan Merchan and anyone related to the trial.

Not All Trump supporters...

According to The Independent, the majority of the posts seen by their team didn’t advocate for violence and instead called for electoral solutions or non-violent civil disobedience.

Rage Against the Machine

However, it was relatively easy to find posts claiming that Trump’s conviction was proof that the US justice system and the government as a whole was rigged and needed to be overthrown.

Agree to disagree

“Americans are not going to agree on this verdict, and probably never will”, Curt Mills, executive director of The American Conservative, told Politico. “Americans of all political stripes will one day regret ever letting this genie out of the bottle.”

There are Republicans and then there are Republicans...

Other commentators in Politico highlight that while more moderate and better-informed Republicans will probably stop supporting Trump, less-informed but more loyal followers will rally around their leader.

The view from abroad

Outside the United States, the fact that a convicted felon is projected to be a major presidential candidate with a big chance to move into the White House has caused speculation as well.

Moscow stands with Donald Trump

Newsweek reports that Russian politician Oleg Matveychev appeared on the Russia-1 state media network, affirming that Donald Trump’s conviction could lead the country into a civil war.

Matveychev speaks out

“This may not only discredit American institutions but cause very severe unrest and even civil war”, declared Matveychev, who serves as an MP in Russia’s legislature.

The kettle calling the pot 'totalitarian'

The Russian lawmaker agreed with Trump supporters, arguing that if this didn’t lead to a civil war, it was the first step to the installation of a totalitarian regime in the United States.

With friends like this...

Maybe it’s in The Kremlin’s best interest to get Donald Trump back in The White House? If the New York mogul wins big in November, we will find out.

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