Trump shocks nation with claim about trusting Putin over US intelligence

Is the former president just a fool or is he playing a bigger game?
Americans should trust Putin over their intelligence services
Trump derides America's intelligence services
Who would you choose?
John Bowden's comments
The fastest way to alienate allies
Facing a crowded primary
An explanation for Trump’s comments
We can expect a lot more of this from Trump
Things might be more toxic than in the past
Marinating in hate
The intelligence agency's are a primary target
Trump's recent comments about ending the war in Ukraine
Not the first time Trump has backed Putin
Maybe he is a fool after all...
Is the former president just a fool or is he playing a bigger game?

Since Donald Trump hit the political scene there has been a debate over whether he’s in the pocket of Russian President Vladimir Putin or if he’s just a fool, an argument that has only intensified after the former president’s shocking Truth Social comments on Monday. 

Americans should trust Putin over their intelligence services

In a move that seemed wholly ill-thought-out, Trump suggested that Americans would be better served trusting Putin over their own intelligence services. 

"Remember when I was asked who I trusted?"

“Remember in Helsinki when a 3rd rate reporter asked me, essentially, who I trusted more, President Putin of Russia, or our ‘Intelligence’ lowlifes,” Trump wrote in a Truth Social post on Monday. 

Trump derides America's intelligence services

“My instinct at the time was that we had really bad people in the form of James Comey, McCabe (whose wife was being helped out by Crooked Hillary while Crooked was under investigation!),” Trump continued. 

"Do you trust Putin or these misfits?

“Brennan, Peter Strzok (whose wife is at the SEC) & his lover, Lisa Page. Now add McGonigal & other slime to the list. Who would you choose, Putin or these Misfits?” Trump added. 

Who would you choose?

While the question “Who would you choose?” might have enraged political moderates and left-wingers alike, the question does make sense for the audience Trump is speaking to according to The Independent’s Washinton correspondent John Bowden.

John Bowden's comments

"It’s an example of the kind of comment that will gin up excitement and agreement from Mr. Trump’s hardcore base of supporters,” Bowden wrote.

The fastest way to alienate allies

Bowden added, however, that Trump's comment would also “alienate potential allies in Washington as he pursues a third bid for the presidency.”

Facing a crowded primary

The former president is likely to face a host of new faces on the campaign trail this year, one of which could be the former CIA director Mike Pompeo according to Bowden. 

An explanation for Trump’s comments

Trump may not be as dim-witted as we think then, if he’s already casting suspicion on his potential GOP primary rivals. But how will he fare in the general election with comments that seemingly praise America’s current number-one enemy?

We can expect a lot more of this from Trump

Phillip Elliot of Time Magazine believes we’re likely to see more toxicity from Trump this time around after analyzing the former president's 2024 primary campaign kickoff keynote speech in New Hampshire.

Things might be more toxic than in the past

“The event’s tone and substance suggested the looming two-year campaign is going to match—if not surpass—the toxic tone of his past attempts,” Elliot wrote.

Marinating in hate

“He has been marinating in exile for the last two years, imagining his revenge comeback and stewing in his grievances,” Elliot added. 

The intelligence agency's are a primary target

It would seem then, that Trump has made the American intelligence community one of his prime targets for his rage and toxicity this year, regardless of how it might affect the future of the American people or the war in Ukraine. 

Trump's recent comments about ending the war in Ukraine

The former president has never been a fan of how Joe Biden has handled the war in Ukraine, and he also believes he can do a better jobrecently stating that he would end the conflict "within 24 hours" through negotiation with Putin.

Not the first time Trump has backed Putin

Trump's Monday Truth Social post wasn't the first time he's backed Putin over the interests of the American people.

Maybe he is a fool after all...

In 2021, the former president wrote in a June 10th statement that "it should be obvious" who he trusts more when choosing between Russia and America's intelligence agencies. So maybe he is just a fool after all...

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