Ukraine says Russia is cremating its dead to avoid paying compensation

Here’s what we know so far
Information from Ukraine’s General Staff
Russia is losing a lot of troops
Continuing an old Russian tradition
Using mobile crematoria
Operating in Berdiansk
Fifty bodies waiting to be burned
No records are being kept
Hiding Moscow’s dead
Previous proof?
Concealing Russian losses if they invade
Deployed elsewhere before
Ben Wallace's comments
Investigation by Snopes
Machines built to incinerate biological waste
Reports of cremation since the war started
Comments from Pavlo Kyrylenko
We still don’t have the smoking gun proof
Here’s what we know so far

Ukraine says Russia is allegedly using mobile crematoriums to burn their war dead in a move aimed at avoiding compensation due to the families of the Kremlin’s slain soldiers. 

Information from Ukraine’s General Staff

The information comes from a recent update by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in which the authors noted the lengths the Kremlin is going to hide its losses.

Russia is losing a lot of troops

The General Staff reported that the Russians were losing a significant amount of troops daily and were working to hide these losses to deprive families of war compensation. 

Continuing an old Russian tradition

“They continue to employ the traditional Russian practice of depriving the families of the dead of the benefits and compensation advertised by Russian propaganda,” the update read according to an English translation from Ukrainska Pravda. 

Using mobile crematoria

The update noted that in order to hide these Russian losses “extensive use is being made of mobile crematoria” and gave details about where they were located. 

Operating in Berdiansk

“In particular, it has been established that one of these crematoria is currently operating 24/7 on the territory of the Berdiansk port,” the General Staff update reported. 

Fifty bodies waiting to be burned

Roughly fifty bodies of recently killed Russian soldiers were being stored at a local morgue awaiting cremation at the crematoria in Berdiansk according to the General Staff report. 

No records are being kept

Ukrainska Pravda also reported that the cremation of Russian soldiers was being done without identifying the bodies of the slain servicemen nor were any records being kept. 

Hiding Moscow’s dead

News about Russia’s mobile crematoriums has not been independently verified but it is not the first time Moscow has been accused of operating crematoriums to hide its dead. 

Previous proof?

One day before Russia invaded Ukraine, the British Ministry of Defence released video footage of a vehicle-mounted crematorium according to a report from The Telegraph. 

Concealing Russian losses if they invade

Defence Minister Ben Wallace suggested that the mobile crematorium could be used to conceal Russia’s war dead if Vladimir Putin decided to order the invasion of Ukraine. 

Deployed elsewhere before

Wallace explained that Russia had previously “deployed mobile crematoriums to follow troops around the battlefield, which in anyone's book is chilling.” 

Ben Wallace's comments

"If I was a soldier and knew that my generals had so little faith in me that they followed me around the battlefield with a mobile crematorium… I'd be deeply, deeply worried,” Wallace added. "It’s a very chilling side effect of how the Russians view their forces.”

Investigation by Snopes

Snopes later discovered that the footage shared by the British Ministry of Defence came from a 2013 promotional video for a St. Petersburg-based company called Tourmaline. 

Photo credit: Youtube @zaoTurmalin

Machines built to incinerate biological waste

Tourmaline built mobile crematoriums for the incineration of biological waste according to Snopes but the fact-checking website couldn’t definitely say Russia wasn’t burning its soldiers. 

Photo credit: Youtube @zaoTurmalin

Reports of cremation since the war started

Since the war began, there have been several reports of Russia’s mobile crematoriums, including some Ukrainian authorities who claimed Moscow was allegedly burning dead civilians to hide evidence of their war crimes in Ukraine. 

Comments from Pavlo Kyrylenko

Pavlo Kyrylenko is the Military Governor of Donetsk and told CNN in April 2022 Russia was “using mobile crematoriums and mobile cremation machines… taking people out, taking bodies of the dead in the street and the dead from collapsing buildings.”

We still don’t have the smoking gun proof

Whether Russia actually is using mobile crematoriums in Ukraine has yet to be definitely proven and there exists no one piece of concrete evidence supporting the General Staff’s claims; however, that doesn’t mean the proof won’t come along someday. 

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