How long do animals live on average?
You might have a general idea how long many animals live but we are certain there are plenty of animals that you have no idea what their life expectancy is! While there are certainly instances of animals living beyond their typical life expectancies, the figures provided represent the average lifespans. Animals that exceed these averages are exceptions. Conversely, some animals may not reach these average lifespans.
Average life expectancy - 15 to 30 days.
Photo: Unsplash - Vincent Van Zalinge
Average life expectancy - 2 years.
Average life expectancy - 3 years.
Average life expectancy - 4 years.
Photo: Unsplash - Brendan Beale
Average life expectancy - 5 years
Photo: Unsplash - Freysteinn G. Jonsson
Average life expectancy - 6 years
Photo: Unsplash - Paolo Nicolello
Average life expectancy - 9 years.
Average life expectancy - 10 years.
Photo: Unsplash - Zosia Szopka
Average life expectancy - 12 years.
Average life expectancy - 12 years.
Average life expectancy - 13 years.
Photo: Unsplash - Alvan Nee
Average life expectancy - 14 years.
Photo: Unsplash - Nashad Abdu
Average life expectancy - 15 years.
Photo: Unsplash - Paul Hanaoka
Average life expectancy - 15 years.
Photo: Unsplash - Javier Virues Ortega
Average life expectancy - 18 years.
Average life expectancy - 20 years.
Average life expectancy - 25 years.
Photo: Unsplash - Kirsten Lachance
Average life expectancy - 25 years.
Photo: Unsplash - Ole Kloth
Average life expectancy - 25 years.
Photo: Unsplash - Aidas Ciziunas
Average life expectancy - 30 years.
Photo: Unsplash - David Clode
Average life expectancy - 35 years.
Photo: Unsplash - Jacob Brogdon
Average life expectancy - 40 years.
Photo: Unsplash - Gene Taylor
Average life expectancy - 45 years.
Photo: Unsplash - Uriel Soberanes
Average life expectancy - 50 years.
Photo: Unsplash - David Clode
Average life expectancy - 55 years.
Photo: Unsplash - Caterina Sanders
Average life expectancy - 60 years.
Photo: Unsplash - Dirk Spijkers
Average life expectancy - 70 to 73 years.
Photo: Unsplash - Brooke Cagle
Average life expectancy - 100 years.
Photo: Unsplash - EEC
Average life expectancy - 200 years.
Photo: Unsplash - Remi Boudousquie
Average life expectancy - 272 years.
Photo: Hemming1952 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons
Average life expectancy - 4,300 years.
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