Is soaring gun ownership among Democrats linked to US political polarization?

Liberal Americans are packing heat
The white conservative male
Harris and Walz throw up their hands
An integral part of American culture
Traditionally gun control advocates
First-time owners
Triggered by right-wing extremists
Political polarization
Prepared for any eventuality
More of a rediscovery
Gun laws versus gun rights
Democrat gun ownership at 29%
Armed democrat households at 41%
Republican homes with a weapon at 66%
A harsh reality
Liberal Americans are packing heat

There has been a surge in the number of liberal Americans owning a firearm, according to new gun ownership data from the University of Chicago’s NORC research group cited by The Wall Street Journal.



The white conservative male

According to WSJ, a world that has long been the domain of the white conservative male is being adopted by a growing number of Democrats who are ditching their scruples and getting themselves down to the local gun store.



Harris and Walz throw up their hands

Given this growing trend, it is hardly surprising that presidential candidate Kamala Harris has repeatedly drawn attention to how she and her running mate Tim Walz are both gun owners.

"I'm a gun owner too"

In fact, when Harris appeared on ‘Oprah Winfrey Thursday’ she told the audience, “I’m a gun owner too. If someone breaks into my house, they’re getting shot – I probably shouldn’t have said that,” she added.



An integral part of American culture

Pew research notes that guns are deeply ingrained in American culture in a way that they are not in Europe. The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees the right to bear arms and about a third of US adults say they personally own a gun.



Traditionally gun control advocates

Democrats were always less likely to be part of the American gun-toting tradition, with large swathes of this demographic advocating stricter gun control laws.

First-time owners

It’s a demographic that includes both progressives and minorities who would never have considered buying a gun five years ago, according to Jennifer Hubbard an anthropology professor at Lewis and Clark college in Portland Oregan, in WSJ.



Triggered by right-wing extremists

Michael Ciemnoczolowski, a dyed in the wool Democrat from Iowa, interviewed by the news outlet, said that he was anxious about various unsettling trends that included a rise in armed right-wing extremists.



Political polarization

This chimes with what Professor Deana Rohlinger, a sociology professor at Florida State University, said in Newsweek – that rising gun ownership amongst Democrats could well be linked to the increasing political polarization in the US.

Prepared for any eventuality

“For some, a gun purchase may be the result of their read on how increased political tensions and divisiveness in the US might play out,” Rohlinger told the news site.





“For others, it may be the result of individuals assessments of their personal safety in what they regard as a dangerous world. For example, LGBTQ+ individuals as well as religious and racial minorities might decide to purchase a gun for personal defense and so that they can feel safe.”



More of a rediscovery

According to the WSJ, Democrats do in fact have a history of gun ownership but started moving away from the tradition in the early 1990s. So, in effect, they are “rediscovering” having a gun in their home.

Gun laws versus gun rights

The Democrat shift away from guns was triggered by “increasingly divisive political battles over the role of firearms in American society led the Democratic Party to become an advocate for gun regulation. Republicans became the party of gun rights,” according to WSJ.



Democrat gun ownership at 29%

Embracing gun ownership once again, 29% of Democrats or probable Democrats said they owned a gun in 2022 compared to 22% in 2010, according to the University of Chicago’s NORC research group.



Armed democrat households at 41%

An NBC poll taken in November 2023, found 41% of Democrats lived in a household with a gun – not necessarily owning it – up from 33% in a similar survey conducted in August 2019.

Republican homes with a weapon at 66%

The same 2023 poll found that 66% of registered Republicans said they live with a firearm, against 64% in August 2019. Pew Research notes that Republican gun owners are more likely than Democratic owners to say their gun gives them a feeling of safety and enjoyment.



A harsh reality

In a bid to explain the rise in Democrat gun ownership, National Rifle Association spokesperson Billy McLaughlin told Newsweek that Americans had been awakened “to the harsh reality that the responsibility to defend themselves and their family rests firmly in their own hands.”

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