Kamala Harris for President: the heavyweights who support her

Kamala's big moment
Unexpected resignation
Confirmed: She wants to become president
Support for Biden
Democrats fight against time
Other candidates
Hillary and Bill Clinton support Kamala
Obama is thinking about it
Kamala, currently not
What's next for the Democrats?
Kamala's big moment

Now that Joe Biden has stepped down as the Democratic candidate in the presidential election in November, Kamala Harris is the leading candidate to succeed him.

Unexpected resignation

Did the resignation come too late? Possibly. Are there alternatives? Certainly.

(Photo: X - @JoeBiden)

Confirmed: She wants to become president

And in case there was any doubt, Kamala Harris, the current Vice President herself, confirmed what was an open secret: "I am honored to have the President's endorsement and my intention is to earn and win this nomination."

(Photo: X - @KamalaHarris)


Support for Biden

Joe Biden has been clear on this point: "My very first decision as a party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President. And it's been the best decision I ever made. Today, I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year. Democrats - it's time to come together and beat Trump."

(Photo: X - @JoeBiden)

Democrats fight against time

What was shaping up to be a debacle for the Democrats has suddenly turned into a race against time that may produce the same outcome but at least revives the hopes of a party that seemed destined for defeat months before the election.


Other candidates

Of course, the new candidate for the 2024 presidential election must first be chosen, and although Kamala Harris is the favorite, Gavin Newson (pictured), Governor of California, or Gretchen Whitmer, Governor of the State of Michigan, are two important alternatives among the many the party is considering.

Hillary and Bill Clinton support Kamala

For this reason, Hillary and Bill Clinton were quick to express their support for Kamala Harris and offered to support her in whatever she needs to be nominated as the Democratic candidate, as they confirmed on social media.

Photo: X - @BillClinton

Obama is thinking about it

The opposite is the case with Barack Obama. The former President of the United States shared an article praising Joe Biden as president and as a patriot, but did not mention Kamala Harris' name.


Kamala, currently not

"We will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead. But I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges," he wrote on his website. In other words, whoever prevails will do so through the consensus of a primary or something similar.

(Photo: X - @BarackObama)

What's next for the Democrats?

With Joe Biden's withdrawal from the race, the Democratic Party has set the political machine in motion and sees an opportunity to stand up to Donald Trump. Choosing the new candidate will be challenging, and it remains to be seen whether Kamala Harris will be the final choice for the Democrats.

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