12 health facts you wouldn't know unless someone told you

Practical advice that could save your health
Simple truths and easy habits
Save yourself from a terrible fate
1. You can’t stick Q-tips in your ears
This is the damage you can do
2. You really can only take so much acetaminophen in a day
Just follow the directions
3. There’s a certain way you need to file your nails
Here's how you cut your nails
4. There’s also a proper way to file your nails
5. Your nails reflect your health
6. Never use soap on a woman’s lady bits
7. There is a wrong way to wash your face
8. You really do need to clean behind your ears
9. Shaving your back won’t make it grow thicker
10. Get a proper fitting pair of shoes
Here's why you need proper shoes
11. You need way more water than you think
12. Sleeping on your side is the best way to rest
Practical advice that could save your health

We humans don't begin our lives with all of the knowledge we need to be successful and most of us have to learn through trial and error before we pick up the information required to live a happy and prosperous life.

Simple truths and easy habits

However, some of us can go decades without learning the simple truths and easy habits that can make a major difference in our quality of life. This is especially true when it comes to our health.

Photo by Luis Santoyo on Unsplash

Save yourself from a terrible fate

Some people just never learn that there are things you can and can't do if you want to maximize your health. So with that in mind, let's take a look at twelve health facts that nobody has probably ever told you. There are a few that could save you from a terrible fate!

1. You can’t stick Q-tips in your ears

Q-tips are under no circumstances meant to be put inside your ear canal according to the University of Michigan, which noted that you can actually put yourself at risk of earwax impaction or serious injury to your ear canal by scratching or cutting it as you dig around. 

This is the damage you can do

In fact, you can do a lot of damage to your eardrum trying to get wax out that would have probably just removed itself in time. The new guidelines for physicians say you shouldn’t be putting anything smaller than your elbow in your ear, so forget that Q-tip. 

2. You really can only take so much acetaminophen in a day

Tylenol is great for pain but you should know that taking too much of it too quickly can be toxic for your liver and might even lead to death! If you want to stay within the safe zone, Harvard Medical School says you need to stick to the recommended dosage on the packaging.

Just follow the directions

Experts at Harvard Medical School also recommend you don’t mix acetaminophen with alcohol and that you ask your pharmacist about any possible drug interaction medicine you might have if you’re also planning to pop a Tylenol as a pain reliever. 

3. There’s a certain way you need to file your nails

You just can’t start whacking at your nails all willy-nilly with a nail clipper. There’s a very complicated process to trimming your nails healthily. First, you need to soften your nails according to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, then you start slowly. 

Here's how you cut your nails

The best way to avoid hangnails and save yourself a lot of pain is to cut directly across the top of your nail. Don’t mess with the sides! Uneven and rough edges should be filed down rather than cut. Oh, and you shouldn’t mess with your cuticles to avoid infection. 

4. There’s also a proper way to file your nails

Healthline says you need to start at the edges of your nails and work your way toward the center. Never, ever start at the center as it's the easiest way to damage your nail. Also, don’t file back and forth across the nail tip. It should just be one smooth motion. 

5. Your nails reflect your health

Let’s just go for the unknown nail facts trifecta. The health of your body can be seen in the health of your nails. Web MD noted that if you have pale nails then you could be suffering from anemia. White nails mean liver issues and yellow nails could indicate fungal problems. 

6. Never use soap on a woman’s lady bits

This tip is for the ladies but it's probably really important for men to know as well. You absolutely should not use soap on a woman’s lady parts because it can throw off the pH balance and cause infection as well as irritation according to Healthline. 

7. There is a wrong way to wash your face

Scrubbing your face is a big no-no according to the American Academy of Dermatology. What you want to do is use lukewarm water and apply cleanser with your fingertips to gently clean yourself. You should limit washes to just twice a day for the best results. 

8. You really do need to clean behind your ears

This is something your grandma has probably said to you but we both know you ignored that advice. Unfortunately for you, it turns out that poor behind-the-ear hygiene can lead to gross smells and infections according to Medical News Today. 

9. Shaving your back won’t make it grow thicker

This tip is for everyone that attends your next pool party. It's okay to shave any part of your body without worrying about how your hair will grow back. Hair sprouting up thicker after a shave is an old myth from 1928 that’s been thoroughly debunked says Healthline. 

10. Get a proper fitting pair of shoes

Seriously, getting a pair of shoes designed for your feet will change your life. Most people just grab whatever’s on the rack but it turns out improper shoe fits can affect every aspect of your life and body according to Verywell Health. 

Here's why you need proper shoes

You could develop neuropathy from wearing the wrong shoe size or you could deform your feet if you’re sporting footwear that’s too narrow. If you’ve ever wondered why you’re always getting blisters, calluses, and ingrown toenails… it’s your shoes. 

11. You need way more water than you think

Eight glasses of water are nice and all but the Mayo Clinic suggests the average man should be drinking 15.5 cups of water a day while the average woman should take in 11.5 cups of water a day, 20% of which will come from your food and the rest from drinks. 

12. Sleeping on your side is the best way to rest

There’s no way anyone in your life would have known this fact but it turns out sleeping on your side is the most effective way to remove waste from your brain than sleeping on your back or stomach according to a study from researchers at Stoney Brook University. 

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