Europe bolsters its defenses as war fears intensify

A new, harsh reality
Maximum alert in Europe due to global instability
Warmongering escalation
Donald Tusk, President of Poland, said it clearly
Young people, to arms
Western European countries did away with mandatory service
Macron defends that young people serve the country for a few months
The UK wants to prepare citizens for the worst
A proposal from the United Kingdom
More troops, more money for the armies
If Trump wins, perhaps Europe will be more alone in the face of danger
Trump could turn his back on Europe
Europe must be able to protect itself
Reluctance on the left
We have to change the mentality
Up to the centre-left
What if it's all a big mass persuasion operation?
A new, harsh reality

The threat of war, once a distant memory for Europe, has become a harsh reality following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, prompting many nations to brace for worst-case scenarios.

Maximum alert in Europe due to global instability

This old photograph of Kosovo (in 1999) takes us back to the Balkan wars that came so close to the heart of Europe. In those days, Europeans were amazed that war was returning to the Old Continent. Now, with Ukraine and the Middle East in flames, the feeling in Europe is that a great world war is imminent.

Warmongering escalation

Bjarke Smith-Meyer recently wrote an analysis for the American magazine Politico whose beginning was resounding: "Europe is preparing for war."

Donald Tusk, President of Poland, said it clearly

Polish President Donald Tusk (pictured) put it clearly in an interview with the German magazine Die Welt. He assured that Europe is experiencing an evident pre-war stage.

"War is no longer a concept from the past"

As reported by CNN, Tusk said: "War is no longer a concept from the past. It is real, and it started over two years ago. The most worrying thing at the moment is that literally any scenario is possible. We haven’t seen a situation like this since 1945".

Young people, to arms

Tusk told Die Welt that young people have to be aware of the current state of affairs and therefore accept that they may have to take up arms. This message is in line with an open debate in many European countries about whether it is necessary to reintroduce compulsory military service.

Western European countries did away with mandatory service

The majority of Western countries eliminated compulsory military service after the fall of the Berlin Wall (Germany did so in 2011, Spain in 2002).

Macron defends that young people serve the country for a few months

But leaders like Macron believe that it is necessary for young people to serve their country for a period and in France they are preparing a Universal National Service that would have some military content.

The UK wants to prepare citizens for the worst

In the United Kingdom, the authorities also insist on preparing their fellow citizens for a possible war.

A proposal from the United Kingdom

Defense Minister Grant Shapps said we had moved from a "post-war world to a pre-war world", according to the BBC, and British General Patrick Shanders (pictured) spoke in January of "mobilizing the nation" and reinforce professional soldiers with a kind of "citizen army."

More troops, more money for the armies

Not all European public opinion wants to hear about an increase in defense spending, but that is the scenario that most leaders are pushing towards. And even more so if what is very likely to happen in the United States ends up a reality.

If Trump wins, perhaps Europe will be more alone in the face of danger

Trump is an isolationist who also sympathizes with Putin. Nor does he believe that the United States has to assume, as it does now, a predominant role in NATO.

Trump could turn his back on Europe

And, above all, Trump made it clear on more than one occasion that he does not want to spend on defending other countries that, in many cases, refuse to increase their defense budgets. If he wins, he could turn his back on Europe.

Europe must be able to protect itself

Hence there is an entire European power elite that fights for increasing militarization with the aim that Europe can defend itself without depending on NATO or the United States.


Reluctance on the left

However, the European left has a long pacifist tradition and it deeply dislikes anything that involves increasing spending on weapons and troops.

We have to change the mentality

But there are analysts who believe that the left has to change its thinking in the face of the real threat of war.

Image: Egor Myznik / Unsplash

Up to the centre-left

Cass Mudde wrote in The Guardian: "It is up to the (centre-)left to develop and defend a plan for a European army that finds a democratic position between pacifism and militarism."

What if it's all a big mass persuasion operation?

Of course, among pacifism and the most recalcitrant left, they believe that in the political and media discourses that warn of the real possibility of a great war in Europe there is a lot of alarmism and part of political interest to drag public opinion to reactionary positions.

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