How to win the war against bed bugs

An international plague
Growing at an unthinkable rate
Always present but discreet
A growing problem
A historic plague
How to eradicate them?
They are not serious but they are annoying
Complicated to recognize
An elusive enemy
Wash clothes at more than 50ºC
Leave it in the hands of professionals
They become strong
Sell or burn the house?
An international plague

Throughout the month of October 2023, images of bed bugs colonizing public spaces and homes in Paris went viral on social media.

Growing at an unthinkable rate

Obviously, it was a matter of time before these bed bugs spread to several countries in Europe.

Always present but discreet

However, despite the plague originating in Paris, bed bugs have always been among us, although in the last year, they have increased considerably.

A growing problem

What's more, the Spanish National Association of Environmental Health Companies warns that bedbugs, in the short/medium term, are going to be a real problem in almost the entire world.

A historic plague

"It's not just Paris, Spain is facing the worst bedbug infestation since the last century," confirms Jorge Galván, general director of National Association of Environmental Health Companies on esRadio.

How to eradicate them?

The obvious question is, how do we get rid of bed bugs in the home?


They are not serious but they are annoying

According to Jorge Galván in COPE, "bed bugs are the most common and their bites, although not serious, can be very annoying and can greatly irritate the skin."

Complicated to recognize

Furthermore, the lack of knowledge about this insect makes it difficult for an ordinary citizen to distinguish a bedbug bite from that of a mosquito or other insect with the naked eye.

An elusive enemy

Jorge Galván warns that "it is not easy to see the insect because it usually hides during the day and acts at night. It feeds on human blood and, to prevent it, it is important to check clothing and suitcases before traveling."

Wash clothes at more than 50ºC

If there are bed bugs, the recommendation is to wash all bedding and clothes suspected of having bed bugs in the washing machine, with a program at more than 50ºC.

Photo: Pexels - Pixabay

Leave it in the hands of professionals

Now, what if the problem is at home? In this case, the most advisable thing is to leave the matter in the hands of a company specialized in pests and have them take care of eliminating them.

They become strong

And, in recent times, bed bugs have evolved in such a way that they are beginning to show resistance to insecticides, either due to their massive use or due to the low rotation of the products.

Sell or burn the house?

And yes, bed bugs are difficult roommates but selling the house or burning it down and fleeing the country is not a good solution. At least, let it not be the first, since there are somewhat less radical alternatives to explore first!

Photo: Pexels - Pixabay


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