Is Trump secretly a Kamala Harris fan? He did donate money to her political career

These donations could become an issue
Trump donated a total of $6000 dollars
A breakdown of the donations by year
Ivanka also donated to Harris in 2014
Harris has been endorsed by Biden
Other big Democratic endorsements
Harris wants to earn the nomination
Thanking Joe Biden
“My intention is to earn and win this nomination”
Will Trump’s donations hurt his campaign?
Why did Trump donate to Harris
Ivanka is to blame
Trump’s donation to Harris
The donations are useful for Harris
This was all brought up before
Quashing questions about racism
Evidence against the race argument
What does Trump think of Harris now?
These donations could become an issue

Former President Donald Trump previously donated to Kamala Harris and her campaign for attorney general of California according to records published by California’s Secretary of State. 

Trump donated a total of $6000 dollars

Business Insider reported that California's State Secretary's records indicate the former president donated a total of $6000 dollars to Harris early in her political career, several years before he entered politics. 

A breakdown of the donations by year

Trump donated $5000 to Harris in 2011 and $1000 to her in 2013. However, Donald was not the only Trump who donated money to Harris during the early years of her political career.

Ivanka also donated to Harris in 2014

In 2014, Ivanka Trump donated $2000 dollars to Harris according to the records. This is an issue that could become a big problem for Trump now he may be facing off against Harris in Novemeber. 

Harris has been endorsed by Biden

Vice President Harris was endorsed by Joe Biden following his withdrawal from the race and prominent Democrats have begun rallying around Harris to be their 2024 nominee. 

Other big Democratic endorsements

According to CBC News, Harris has also now been endorsed by Nancy Pelosi, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, and many more very prominent Democrats. 

Harris wants to earn the nomination

Harris has committed herself to earning the nomination of her party, something that she was adamant about in a post published to X following Biden’s withdrawal from the race. 

Thanking Joe Biden

“I thank Joe Biden for his extraordinary leadership as President of the United States and for his decades of service to our country,” Vice President Harris wrote in her message. 

“My intention is to earn and win this nomination”

​​“I am honored to have the President’s endorsement and my intention is to earn and win this nomination,” Harris continued. But all signs point to her as being the likely nominee. 

Will Trump’s donations hurt his campaign?

If Harris is selected as the 2024 Democratic Presidential Nominee, could Trump’s past donations to her political career become a major problem for the former president? This isn't clear, but let's take a look at his explanation for donating to her political career in 2011 and 2013. 

Why did Trump donate to Harris

In 2019, the Washington Examiner reported Trump signed an affidavit that indicated he made his $5000 donation to Harris at the request of New York’s attorney general at the time, Eric Schneiderman.

Ivanka is to blame

“Mr. Schneiderman's former transition committee leader asked my daughter Ivanka if she would arrange for me to make a contribution to a fundraising event sponsored by Mr. Schneiderman for newly elected California Attorney General Kamala Harris," Trump explained in the affidavit. 

Trump’s donation to Harris

"In response, I made a $5,000 contribution to Ms. Harris' campaign — the highest level of sponsorship listed in the invitation — and Ivanka attended the event together with some of Trump Org.'s other top executives,” Trump added. 

The donations are useful for Harris

Whether or not Trump’s donations to Harris will play a role in the 2024 race between the two is unknown, but it is to see how this information could be used against him. It is also important to note this isn’t the first time the donations have been brought up. 

This was all brought up before

Business Insider reported that Trump’s donations first became a problem for him while he was President in 2020 after Biden chose Harris as his running mate in that election. 

Quashing questions about racism

In 2020, Senior Trump Campaign Advisor Katrina Pierson used the then-president's donations to Harris as a foil to try and quash the argument that Trump was racist while on a phone call with reporters according to CBS News.   

Evidence against the race argument

"I'll note that Kamala Harris is a Black woman and he donated to her campaign," Pierson said. "So I hope we can squash this racism argument." However, regardless of how this issue will play out in 2024, Trump doesn’t seem too worried about Harris.  

What does Trump think of Harris now?

In a statement posted to Truth Social following Biden’s endorsement of Harris, Trump wrote that Harris was “just as much of a joke as Biden” and criticized her for being what he referred to as her “liberal, weak-on-crime record."

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