Marjorie Taylor Greene has publicly embarrassed herself online once again

What did she say this time?
A very weird statement on X
A first Amendment right to complain
Not as bad as a different post in July
Posting about the Declaration of Independence
The average age of the signers…
Greene’s comments
Quickly fact-checked by X
Six of the men weren’t signers
Criticism followed the comment
Some attacked Greene
Her salary is paid for by taxpayers
“Completely wrong about history”
What did she say this time?

The most outspoken Member of Congress in the United States put the French Olympic Committee on blast on social media for allegedly using copyright claims to take down all of the unsavory things being posted about the Olympics in Paris.


A very weird statement on X

That's right, Marjorie Taylor Greene publically embarrassed herself again online with a series of strange statements on July 27th about the things she thought the French Olympic Committee was working to get removed from the internet.

The "satanic, trans, and occult opening ceremonies"

"The French Olympic Committee has been hard at work taking down videos of their satanic, trans, and occult opening ceremonies claiming copyright laws," the Georgia Congresswoman wrote on her X account.

Photo Credit: Screenshot from X @RepMTG

A first Amendment right to complain

"It’s our first amendment right to share these videos and our outright outrage over the anti-Christian Olympic opening ceremonies," Greene added. Unfortunately for her, nobody may have informed her that the First Amendment doesn't really apply to foreign countries.

Not as bad as a different post in July

While Greene's comments earned her the scorn of many online and made her the butt of many jokes, her statement wasn't nearly as bad as one she posted on X in early July, which saw her get racked over te coals by commenters for her lack of knowledge about American history.

Posting about the Declaration of Independence

Greene posted a message on social media about the age of several people who signed the Declaration of Independence, the only problem was that she listed off a bunch of famous names and most of them didn’t actually sign the Declaration of Independence. 

The average age of the signers…

"The average age of the signers of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 was 44 years old, but more than a dozen were 35 or younger,” Greene wrote on the platform formerly known as Twitter but now called X. 

Greene’s comments

“Thomas Jefferson: 33 John Hancock: 39 James Madison: 25 Alexander Hamilton: 21 James Monroe: 18 Aaron Burr: 20 Paul Revere: 41 George Washington: 44," Greene continued, revealing she may not have a firm grasp of U.S. history. 

Quickly fact-checked by X

Greene was quickly fact-checked by Elon Musk’s social media platform, which pointed out that six of the eight people Greene listed in her tweet did not sign the Declaration of Independence, making her original point quite irreverent.

Photo Credit: Screenshot from X @RepMTG

Six of the men weren’t signers

"James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, James Monroe, Aaron Burr, Paul Revere, and George Washington were not signers of the Declaration of Independence," X pointed out while citing its sourcing as coming from U.S. government archives.  

Criticism followed the comment

Raw Story also reported on the story and journalist David McAfee dug through some of the most interesting comments from users who were attacking Greene in the comments of her tweet for her lack of knowledge about American history. 

Some attacked Greene

"Ok — who else does moron Marge think signed the Declaration of Independence? Best answer wins a free peach tree dish. Go!", one user noted about what Greene wrote, and their reply wasn’t the worst of the criticism Greene received. 

Her salary is paid for by taxpayers

“Keep in mind ladies and gentlemen. That Marjorie Taylor Greene is a U.S. Representative. Whose salary is paid for by taxpayers,” another user wrote according to a quote published by McAfee and Raw Story. 

“Completely wrong about history”

One user wrote in all caps that Americans needed to stop elevating stupid people while another user noted Greene was “completely wrong about history” again and added her comment was not a flex. 

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