New attack ad hits Donald Trump where it hurts

It highlighted the former president’s problems
Using former Trump officials as weapons
“Take it from the people who worked for him”
Trump said he’d only choose the best people
Four former Trump officials were used to attack him
Vice President Mike Pence on Trump
Did Trump put himself over the Constitution?
A danger to the nation
Risking the nation’s security
“Donald Trump will cause a lot of damage”
Context for Bolton’s statement
Another comment from Bolton
General Mark Milley’s remark was damaging
“We don't take an oath to a wannabe dictator”
Will the ad be effective?
“We can’t let him lead our country again”
It highlighted the former president’s problems

On September 9th, Kamala Harris launched a new attack ad against Donald Trump, but this latest attempt to warn the American people against voting the former president back into the Oval Office was a bit different. 

Using former Trump officials as weapons

The new political attack ad focused on letting the comments of several former high-level Trump administration officials explain why the former president shouldn't be allowed to lead the country again. 

“Take it from the people who worked for him”

“Take it from the people who worked for him: Donald Trump is a danger to our troops, our security, and our democracy,” Vice President Harris wrote on X alongside the video. “He should never again stand behind the seal of the President of the United States.” 

Trump said he’d only choose the best people

The ad began by noting that in 2016, Trump said he would only choose the best people to work in his White House but then quickly pointed out that many of those individuals were now against seeing Trump return to the presidency. 

Photo Credit: X @KamalaHarris

Four former Trump officials were used to attack him

Four individuals were highlighted, including Trump’s former Vice President Mike Pence, as well as former Defense Secretary Mark Esper, former National Security Advisor John Bolton, and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley. 

Vice President Mike Pence on Trump

The New Republic noted the ad used footage of Vice President Pence speaking shortly after Trump’s original January 6th indictment was made public, which accused Trump of trying to pressure Pence into not certifying the 2020 election.

Did Trump put himself over the Constitution?

The ad highlighted Pence's statement: “Anyone who puts themself over the Constitution should never be president of the United States” and also included a clip from a March 2024 Fox News interview where he noted he would not be endorsing Trump. 

A danger to the nation

Former Trump Defense Secretary Mark Esper’s portion of the ad may have been the most damaging. It included his response to CNN’s Jake Tapper in a June 2023 interview about whether or not Trump could be trusted with the nation’s secrets again. 

Risking the nation’s security

“No, I mean, it’s just irresponsible action that places our service members at risk, places our nation’s security at risk. You cannot have these documents floating around,” Esper told Taper, a quote also republished by Politico. Former Trump National Security Advisor John Bolton had a similar warning. 

“Donald Trump will cause a lot of damage”

“Donald Trump will cause a lot of damage,” Bolton said during a September 5th, 2024 interview with CNN’s Kaitlan Collins on The Source. However, it is important to point out that the second half of his comments were not included in the ad. 

Context for Bolton’s statement

Bolton added that Trump wouldn’t be “an existential threat to American democracy” in a hypothetical second term before telling Collins: “If you really think that, you must think this country isn’t worth much… We’ve survived a lot worse than Donald Trump,” Bolton also noted. 

Another comment from Bolton

The new Harris ad also included a second interview with Bolton from October 2023 with CNN’s Jake Tapper in which he said: “The only thing he cares about is Donald Trump” as they discussed the former president. 

General Mark Milley’s remark was damaging

Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley’s comments were also quite damaging in the ad. The video clipped his September 2023 remarks on the Constitution as he transferred his responsibilities as chairman to Air Force General. CQ Brown, Jr. 

“We don't take an oath to a wannabe dictator”

“We don't take an oath to a king, or queen, or a tyrant or a dictator. And we don't take an oath to a wannabe dictator,” General Milley said during his farewell speech. It was a jab and speech that Politico noted was a sharp rebuke of Donald Trump. 

Will the ad be effective?

Whether or not the new ad will be effective has yet to be seen, but The New Republic pointed out that the ad not only carried a dire warning but included criticisms that “have a history of getting under Trump’s skin.”

“We can’t let him lead our country again”

“Take it from the people who knew him best: Donald Trump is a danger to our troops and our democracy. We can’t let him lead our country again,” the narrator of the ad concluded. However, with the race as close as it is as of September 10th, it's still likely that Trump could be voted into office again. 

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