Combat footage reveals the reliability of a U.S. armored vehicle on the frontlines in Ukraine

Drone footage revealed a harrowing scene
The MaxxPro Mine-Resistant Ambush Vehicle (MRAP)
Hit by three separate explosions
A direct hit on the vehicle
The MaxxPro came out unscathed
First published by a Ukrainian journalist
Under heavy mortar and drone fire
Where did the incident unfold?
Who made the MaxxPro MRAP?
Reposted by its former designer?
The MaxxPro has saved thousands
Designed to withstand explosions
A variant can survive after a nuclear blast
The effectiveness of the MaxxPro
“They are almost indestructible”
A few details about the MaxxPro
How many MaxxPros has Ukraine lost?
Drone footage revealed a harrowing scene

The modern battlefield has been revealed unlike ever before because of technology and the role it now plays in conflicts. Recent footage published in June, and captured by a drone, not only revealed one harrowing encounter somewhere on the frontlines of Ukraine but also the quality of American-made military vehicles.

The MaxxPro Mine-Resistant Ambush Vehicle (MRAP)

An overhead drone captured video footage showing an M1224 MaxxPro Mine-Resistant Ambush Vehicle withstanding several explosions while moving around the combat zone. But what was this daring MaxxPro's crew doing? 

Photo Credit: Screenshot Telegram @ButusovPlus

Hit by three separate explosions

The MaxxPro appeared to resist at least three powerful explosions as it maneuvered its way through a dirt track surrounded by what appeared to be several damaged vehicles. 

Photo Credit: Screenshot Telegram @ButusovPlus

A direct hit on the vehicle

Bobbing and weaving its way through explosion after explosion, the MaxxPro crew was at the center of a dirt intersection when their vehicle looked as if it took a direct strike. 

Photo Credit: Screenshot Telegram @ButusovPlus

The MaxxPro came out unscathed

However, the explosion didn’t seem to damage the MaxxPro in a way that stopped it from moving forward. The vehicle and its crew then quickly escaped the dangerous and potentially deadly situation that was unfolding around them. 

Photo Credit: Screenshot Telegram @ButusovPlus

First published by a Ukrainian journalist

Ukrainian journalist Yuriy Butusov was one of the first sources who published the video, which he did on his Telegram channel where he provided some context for the situation. 

Photo Credit: Screenshot Telegram @ButusovPlus

Under heavy mortar and drone fire

The Ukrainian MaxxPro was under heavy Russian mortar and drone fire but was able to return from its combat mission after working its way through a well-targeted interaction. 

Photo Credit: Screenshot Telegram @ButusovPlus

Where did the incident unfold?

Butusov explained that the scene took place close to the embattled Ukrainian village of Chasiv Yar, a settlement Russia has been trying to capture since the beginning of April.

Photo Credit: Screenshot Telegram @ButusovPlus

Who made the MaxxPro MRAP?

The MaxxPro was designed by Navistar Defense and the Israeli company Plasan Sasa, according to Business Insider—which noted that 200 were given to Ukraine by the U.S. 

Photo Credit: Wiki Commons By Grippenn, Own Work, CC BY-SA 3.0


Reposted by its former designer?

The combat footage quickly began circulating social media and was reposted online by Nir Khan, Ex-Design Director for Plasan, who provided his thoughts on the MaxxPro.

Photo Credit: Screenshot Telegram @ButusovPlus

The MaxxPro has saved thousands

“I’m very proud of my involvement in the design of the Navistar MaxxPro MRAP,” Khan wrote in an X post along with the video. “It’s saved 1000s of lives, now in Ukraine too.”

Photo Credit: Screenshot Telegram @ButusovPlus

Designed to withstand explosions

The MaxxPro is an armored vehicle designed to withstand improvised explosive attacks and ambushes as well as ballistic arms and mine fire according to Army Technology. 

Photo Credit: Army Staff Sgt. Teddy Wade, U.S. Department of Defense

A variant can survive after a nuclear blast

There is also a variant of the vehicle that can survive in nuclear, biological, or chemical environments. But the MaxxPros given to the Ukrainians have been particularly helpful. 

The effectiveness of the MaxxPro

One soldier who spoke with The Times about the effectiveness of the MaxxPro said that they were like “red flags” to Russians, who would target them with everything they had. 

Photo Credit: Screenshot Telegram @ButusovPlus

“They are almost indestructible”

“But they are almost indestructible,” the soldier added, noting that in one difficult battle, a MaxxPro was struck by mortars but the crew survived. “They truly saved our soldiers.”

A few details about the MaxxPro

According to Business Insider, the MaxxPro has a seating capacity of twelve troops and has a single turret that sports a 7.62 or 12.7 mm machine gun operated by one gunner. 

Photo Crdit: Wiki Commons By Flickr, mallard10, CC BY 2.0

How many MaxxPros has Ukraine lost?

As of June 23rd, the open-source Dutch intelligence firm Oryx calculated that Ukraine has lost at least 95 MaxxPro MRAPs based on unique, verifiable photo and video evidence.  

Photo Credit: Screenshot Telegram @ButusovPlus

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