The amazing things your brain can do

The most complex organ of all
Curiosities about the brain
How many neurons?
It knows pain, but doesn't feel it?
What amount of water does it have?
How much does it weigh?
The double of memories
Editing memories?
Face recognition?
The hormone of love?
Difference between genders?
Yawning to refresh?
Does it produce electricity?
What does the left hemisphere do?
What does the right hemisphere do?
Does laughter relax our brain?
An image processor?
Are we only using 10% of it?
When does the brain reach its maximum size?
How quickly does it work?
Is the lack of sleeping bad for it?
Analyzing threats?
How much energy does it need?
Useless neurons?
The most complex organ of all

The brain is the most complex organ in the human body. It works like a sophisticated machine with unfathomable technology.


Curiosities about the brain

It is obvious that as the engine of the body, the brain is something extraordinary. Let's discover the amazing things and facts about the brain that will blow your mind (no pun intended).

Picture: Pexels - DS Stories

How many neurons?

The brain has 100.000 million neurons. It sounds like a lot, but let's not forget that our brain is the one in charge of every mental process.

Picture: Unsplash - Hal Gatewood

It knows pain, but doesn't feel it?

Although it's the organ in charge of identifying pain, it doesn't feel it. In fact, the anesthesia used in brain surgeries is only for the pain caused to the scalp.

Foto: Unsplash - National Cancer Institute

What amount of water does it have?

The human body is 60% water, and the brain is almost made of 75-80% of it. The lack of water makes our brain hinder its abilities.

Picture: Unsplash - Jong Marshes

How much does it weigh?

A grown functional brain weighs between 1.300 and 1500 grams. A baby's brain weighs 350 grams and reaches 900 grams when it turns 2. However, size doesn't matter because Albert Einstein's brain was just 1200 grams.

Picture: Unsplash - Piret Liver

The double of memories

We could say that the brain keeps two copies of the same memory: one in the prefrontal cortex (long-term memory) and the other in the subiculum (which erases memories with time).

Picture: Unsplash - Roman Kraft

Editing memories?

According to Northwestern University in Illinois, the brain is able to deceive us with certain memories. The hypothalamus is constantly editing memories, but it doesn't necessarily mean that it transforms them into good ones… The hypothalamus modifies and adapts them to each person.

Picture: Unsplash - Glenn Carstens Peters

Face recognition?

There's a part of the brain that, exclusively, keeps the information of the faces we come across in order to remember them every time we see them again.

Picture: Unsplash - Maksim Chernishev

The hormone of love?

The University of Birmingham in the UK confirms that oxytocin has the same effect in humans as alcohol. Oxytocin is the hormone that controls things like friendship, happiness, empathy, and even love.

Picture: Unsplash - Michael Fenton

Difference between genders?

According to the Erasmus University Rotterdam in The Netherlands, men's brain is 14% bigger than women's. However, women's brains are better organized and process information more efficiently.

Picture: Unsplash - Tim Mossholder

Yawning to refresh?

The State University of New York assures that the duration of the yawn is connected to the complex structure of our brains. Although there's no explanation for yawns, we understand that is a way for the brain to refresh and improve our response speed.

Picture: Pexels - Artem Podrez

Does it produce electricity?

The brain is constantly producing electricity, to the point that it could be able to light up a small lamp. The signals that the neurons send to each other are the ones creating such electricity.

Picture: Pexels - David Cassolato

What does the left hemisphere do?

The brain is divided into two halves, and each oversees different functions. The left hemisphere is connected to language, logical reasoning, reading, mathematic operations, and analyzing skills.

Picture: Pexels - Meo

What does the right hemisphere do?

The right hemisphere is responsible for the imaginative and creative processes of the brain. But do not worry, both sides are in constant connection.

Picture: Unsplash - Dragos Gontariu

Does laughter relax our brain?

According to the Loma Linda University in California, laughter has the same effect on the brain as meditation and helps think more straightforwardly, and more positively whilst improving decision making.

Picture: Unsplash - Nathan Dumlao

An image processor?

According to several experts at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), our brain is able to process an image in just 13 thousandths of a second.

Picture: Unsplash - Jason Blackeye

Are we only using 10% of it?

What we have often heard in movies is false. We don't use just 10% of our brain, in fact, it's working all day at its maximum capacity. However, if we were to use 100% of the brain, we will reach human perfection.

Picture: Pexels - Miguel A Padriñán

When does the brain reach its maximum size?

According to the neuroscientist, Leah Somerville, of Harvard University, the brain reaches its biggest size at 10 years old but can keep changing until 30.

Picture: Pexels - Shvets Productions

How quickly does it work?

Neurotransmitters of the brain send messages to the whole body at 360 km/h, so, right when you're thinking of doing something, the body proceeds to do it.

Picture: Unsplash - Mika Baumeister

Is the lack of sleeping bad for it?

The answer is yes. The North Carolina University of Duke presented a study that states that sleeping less than 7 hours a day reduces brain activity and cognitive performance. What's more, it causes premature aging of the nervous system.


Analyzing threats?

According to the Mental Health Center of the University of Texas, the brain prioritizes dangerous information and enhances the areas that control visual information, decision making as well as motor behavior.

Picture: Unsplash - Martin Jaros

How much energy does it need?

Although the brain represents just 2% of the total body weight, it needs 20% of the body's energy to keep a constant correlation between stimuli and responses. Believe it or not, it burns 300 calories per day.

Picture: Unsplash - Hal Gatewood

Useless neurons?

Opposite to what everybody thinks, alcohol doesn't kill neurons. However, it can damage their connective tissue and leave them incapacitated.

Picture: Unsplash - Louis Hansel


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