8 scientifically proven tips to deal with migraines

Dealing with migraines
8) Rest in a dark room
7) Drink water
6) Massage
5) Meditation and excercise
4) Some coffee is good
3) Too much coffee and alcohol is bad
2) Get a good night sleep
1) See a doctor
Dealing with migraines

PBS reports that 15% of the US population suffer from migraines, or in other words, roughly 47 million Americans. Projecting globally that number, around one billion people around the globe. What can you do about it? Well, here are some ideas.

8) Rest in a dark room

According to the website Healthline, migraines can cause sensibility to light and sound, which in turn make the symptoms much worse. Relaxing in a dark room, away from stress, can do wonders.

7) Drink water

Dehydration can be a source of migraines, while drinking enough water can lessen and even prevent headache pain. Drinking a glass of water and staying in the shade can’t certainly hurt!

6) Massage

A massage on your head and neck or applying hot or cold compresses can also help to mitigate the pain.

5) Meditation and excercise

Strategies to deal with stress, such as meditation or exercise, are also recommended to help you not only with migraines but to live a better, more fulfilling life.

4) Some coffee is good

Caffeine, in small quantities, can also be very helpful to deal with migraines, as the Mayo Clinic informs on its website. So, why not enjoy a cup of Joe and relax?

3) Too much coffee and alcohol is bad

However, as WebMD points out, excessive consumption of caffeine and alcohol, or coffee withdrawal, can negative effects on migraines. It’s better to keep a balance diet and enjoy things about moderation.

2) Get a good night sleep

Speaking of balance, migraines have also been linked to irregular or insufficient sleeping.

1) See a doctor

However, the UK’s National Health Service advises you to seek a doctor if you suffer from migraines more than once a week or feel that they are getting worse.

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