Increase in political tension in the US has Canada fearing the worst

Things are getting dicey in the South
Polarization in the US is out of control
An American civil war is something Canada has to be ready for
Canada is preparing for the worst
Canadian government is working with a think tank
Looking at all that could happen after November 2024
Disruptions on the Horizon
Democratic erosion and domestic unrest on the horizon
An improbable but
Other worries mentioned in the report
Trudeau has a lot to be worried about
Trump damaged relations with Canada
A deep worry
Canada needs to be better prepared for cyber attacks
One theory on about American civil war
Could it look like Quebec in the 1960s?
Violence and kidnappings
It isn't far-fetched
No matter what 50% of Americans will be very unhappy
Americans are also worried
Americans SHOULD be worried
Things are getting dicey in the South

The attempted assassination of former US President Donald Trump on July 13 shocked the world. A gunman fired several shots from a nearby rooftop during a rally, grazing Trump's ear, killing one spectator, and seriously injuring two others.

Polarization in the US is out of control

This incidents highlights just how high the levels of political polarization are in the United States. And many are now speculating about what kind of violence might occur following the presidential elections in the country this coming November.

An American civil war is something Canada has to be ready for

This growing concern has particularly resonated with neighboring countries, especially Canada. But is the Canadian government truly anxious about the prospect of an American civil war?

Canada is preparing for the worst

According to a piece published by Politico, the Canadian government is genuinely worried about what might happen after the November 2024 U.S. election and the very real possibility of civil war. It seems Canada has plans in place if the worst were to happen.

Canadian government is working with a think tank

As reported by Politico, Justin Trudeau's government has been working together with the think tank Policy Horizons Canada to analyze this situation.

Looking at all that could happen after November 2024

Policy Horizons Canada has conducted surveys with hundreds of government officials and experts about what kind of chaos may follow the 2024 U.S. presidential elections and concluded that Canada needs to be prepared for a U.S. civil war.

Disruptions on the Horizon

Politico reports that Policy Horizons Canada created a 37-page report released this spring titled "Disruptions on the Horizon," in which they stated Ottawa needs to be ready to deal with civil war in the south.

Democratic erosion and domestic unrest on the horizon

The authors of the report wrote of the possibility of "U.S. ideological divisions, democratic erosion, and domestic unrest escalate, plunging the country into civil war."

An improbable but "ultra-high-impact event"

In the Policy Horizons Canada report, Politico says that while American civil war was listed as improbable, it also noted that it would be an "ultra-high-impact event."

Other worries mentioned in the report

Also included in the improbable category were: "the proliferation of homemade biological weapons; the rise of antibiotic-resistant pathogens, leading to mass death and food shortages; and the outbreak of World War 3."

Trudeau has a lot to be worried about

Politico spoke to John McArthur, a Brookings Institution scholar who told the media outlet that the report reflects just how worried Justin Trudeau is about the state of politics in America.

Trump damaged relations with Canada

McArthur, who stressed to Politico he was speaking for himself and not Policy Horizons, added that Trump's time in office not only damaged the relationship between Canada and the U.S. but also made Canadians very nervous.

A deep worry

McArthur told Politico's Alexander Burns, "Any sense of disruption to your closest sovereign relationship in the world, any disruption within that country, is a deep worry, I think, to any Canadian outlook. Canada's place in the world has become more complex terrain to navigate."

Canada needs to be better prepared for cyber attacks

One of the aspects highlighted in the report was the urgent need for Canada to develop new technology to prepare for cyber attacks in the future, which could disable critical Canadian infrastructure or assist if emergency services become overwhelmed.

One theory on about American civil war

While the Policy Horizons report does not speculate on exactly how a U.S. civil war might break out, Politico writer Alexander Burns has a theory.

Could it look like Quebec in the 1960s?

Burns writes that he believes a civil war in the U.S. this time around might look more similar to the 1960s Quebec separatism fight, with Burn adding, that the civil war scenario really comes down to "how one defines civil war."

Violence and kidnappings

During the 1960s Quebec separatism battle, Canada suffered through nearly ten years of robberies, kidnappings, and bombings performed by militants who were angered by how Canada's federal system had changed.

It isn't far-fetched

Burns points out that since the United States is such a "heavily armed country," it is not outrageous to think that a situation similar to what went down in Quebec back then could happen now in the U.S.

No matter what 50% of Americans will be very unhappy

Burns added that no matter who wins the November 2024 election, there is a good chance that 50% of the population is going to be deeply angry about the outcome.

Americans are also worried

Canadians aren't the only ones worried about an American civil war; a recent poll by Rasmussen Reports showed that 41% of Americans were worried about civil conflict in the country.

Americans SHOULD be worried

And frankly, they are probably right to be worried, particularly since Trump and MAGA have shown the world all of the chaos they are capable of in the past.

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