Which countries offer the biggest paychecks? Find out here

Did your country make the list?
The data comes from 2022
Totals were adjusted for purchasing power
So which country has the top earners? Luxembourg!
2. The United States
3. Switzerland
4. Belgium
5. Denmark
6. Austria
7. The Netherlands
8. Australia
9. Canada
10. Germany
11. United Kingdom
12. Norway
13. France
14. Ireland
15. Finland
16. Sweden
17. South Korea
18. Slovenia
19. Italy
20. Israel
21. Spain
22. Japan
23. Poland
24. Estonia
25. Czechia
26. Portugal
27. Hungary
28. Slovak Republic
29. Greece
30. Mexico
Did your country make the list?

Have you ever wondered who earns the most money on average? You think Americans top the charts of those who bring home the most cash but that isn’t the case. Let’s take a look at the data and see where your country fits in. 

The data comes from 2022

A quick note, all of the average annual salaries recorded are from 2022 and have been converted into USD dollars and the information comes from countries that are a part of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Totals were adjusted for purchasing power

All of the data on average annual salaries have also been adjusted for purchasing power parity, which Visual Capitalist noted in its infographic on the data “that the values listed have taken into account the differences in cost of living and inflation between countries.

So which country has the top earners? Luxembourg!

Luxembourg has an average annual salary of $78,310, the most of the OECD countries and at the top of the list. But what about the next 29 countries? Let’s take a look and and see if your nation made the list. 

Photo by Danielle Rice on Unsplash

2. The United States

Average Annual Salary: $77,463

Photo by Josh Johnson on Unsplash

3. Switzerland

Average Annual Salary: $72,993

Photo by Leila Azevedo on Unsplash

4. Belgium

Average Annual Salary: $64,848

Photo by Libby Penner on Unsplash

5. Denmark

Average Annual Salary: $64,127

Photo by yasara hansani on Unsplash

6. Austria

Average Annual Salary: $63,802

Photo by daniel plan on Unsplash

7. The Netherlands

Average Annual Salary: $63,225

Photo by Alexander on Unsplash

8. Australia

Average Annual Salary: $59,408

Photo by Jamie Davies on Unsplash

9. Canada

Average Annual Salary: $59,050

Photo by Nic Amaya on Unsplash

10. Germany

Average Annual Salary: $58,940

Photo by Christian Paul Stobbe on Unsplash

11. United Kingdom

Average Annual Salary: $53,985

Photo by Charles Postiaux on Unsplash

12. Norway

Average Annual Salary: $53,756

Photo by Sandro Kradolfer on Unsplash

13. France

Average Annual Salary: $52,764

Photo by John Tower on Unsplash

14. Ireland

Average Annual Salary: $52,243

Photo by Sophie Popplewell on Unsplash

15. Finland

Average Annual Salary: $51,836

Photo by Joakim Honkasalo on Unsplash

16. Sweden

Average Annual Salary: $50,407

Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash

17. South Korea

Average Annual Salary: $48,922

Photo by Stephanie Nakagawa on Unsplash

18. Slovenia

Average Annual Salary: $47,204

Photo by Artem Sapegin on Unsplash

19. Italy

Average Annual Salary: $44,893

Photo by Frederic Christian on Unsplash

20. Israel

Average Annual Salary: $44,156

Photo by Adam Jang on Unsplash

21. Spain

Average Annual Salary: $42,859

Photo by Chris Boland on Unsplash

22. Japan

Average Annual Salary: $41,509

Photo by Jezael Melgoza on Unsplash

23. Poland

Average Annual Salary: $36,897

Photo by Artem Lobastov on Unsplash

24. Estonia

Average Annual Salary: $34,705

Photo by Hongbin on Unsplash

25. Czechia

Average Annual Salary: $33,476

Photo by Martin Krchnacek on Unsplash

26. Portugal

Average Annual Salary: $31,922

Photo by Vita Marija Murenaite on Unsplash

27. Hungary

Average Annual Salary: $28,475

Photo by I Do Nothing But Love on Unsplash

28. Slovak Republic

Average Annual Salary: $26,263

Photo by Matt Cramblett on Unsplash

29. Greece

Average Annual Salary: $25,979

Photo by Kartik Singhal on Unsplash

30. Mexico

Average Annual Salary: $16,685

Photo by Filip Gielda on Unsplash

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