Trump's absurd pre-debate request raised eyebrows

Why Trump, why?
“I would also, immediately agree to one!”
Trump had a laundry list of request pre-debate
Trump’s been calling for a test for months
Why was Trump so concerned Biden would be on something?
Riffing about Biden being on drugs
The only way Biden could beat Trump?
“He'll come out all jacked up”
Biden’s team has denied Trump
Trump was just scared
Spouting false lies
A common tactic used by Trump
Trump's used this technique before
He said he was going to ask in May
He also said he’d take one as well
Why Trump, why?

In a strange Truth Social post on June 24th, Donald Trump intensified his call for Joe Biden to take a drug test before their first debate, offering to take one himself as well.

“I would also, immediately agree to one!”

“Drug test for crooked Joe Biden?” Trump wrote in all-caps before adding: “I would also, immediately agree to one!”

Photo Credit: Truth Social @realDonaldTrump

Trump had a laundry list of request pre-debate

ABC News reported that Trump’s request is one of a long list of many his campaign made to CNN. 

Trump’s been calling for a test for months

The former president began publicly calling for Biden to be drug-tested as early as April according to ABC News.

Why was Trump so concerned Biden would be on something?

Around the same time Trump began saying he would debate Biden anywhere or anytime as long as he was drug-tested.

Riffing about Biden being on drugs

On June 22nd, Trump publicly riffed about Biden during a campaign rally in Philadelphia. 

The only way Biden could beat Trump?

Trump told a crowd of his supporters that if the President did well against him in their first debate it would be because he was on performance-enhancing drugs. 

“He'll come out all jacked up”

"So, a little before debate time, he gets a shot in the a** — they want to strengthen him up so he comes out, he'll come out, okay, I say he'll come out all jacked up, right? All jacked up," Trump explained to the crowd according to ABC News. 

Biden’s team has denied Trump

The Biden campaign has repeatedly denied Trump’s claims that the President takes any performance-enhancing drugs.

Trump was just scared

Instead Biden's team blamed the former president’s rhetoric on him being scared to face off against Biden according to a statement. 

Spouting false lies

“Donald Trump is so scared of being held accountable for his toxic agenda of attacking reproductive freedom and cutting Social Security that he and his allies are resorting to desperate, obviously false lies,” said Biden campaign spokesperson Lauren Hitt. 

A common tactic used by Trump

The New York Times reported that this isn’t the first time Trump has accused his rivals of using drugs. 

Trump's used this technique before

Trump used the same tactic against Biden in 2020 and Hillary Clinton back in 2016 ahead of their debates. 

He said he was going to ask in May

Trump even tipped his hand a bit long before he was set to debate Biden. While at the Minnesota Republican Party’s Lincoln Reagan Dinner in May, Trump told the crowd he was going to demand a drug test from Biden before any future debate. 

He also said he’d take one as well

“I’m gonna demand a drug test too, by the way,” Trump said at the dinner according to a quote published by The Hill. “I am, no I really am, I don’t want him coming in like the State of the Union, he was high as a kite.” 

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