Justin Trudeau and the Liberals sink to new lows in latest polling

Things aren’t looking good for the PM
Few plan to vote for the Liberal Party
The lowest vote intention since 2015
Québec is Trudeau’s biggest problem
The Conservatives lead everywhere else
Big leads in nearly every province
Conservative support is largest in Alberta
The Conservatives are leading the Liberals
Conservative support is strengthening
Trudeau is deeply unpopular at the moment
Singh also isn’t very popular with Canadians
Poilievre still fares the best on impression
Canadians want Trudeau out of office
Only a quarter approve of the Liberals
An overwhelming majority want change
14% believe Trudeau should be reelected
The problem facing the Liberals
Things aren’t looking good for the PM

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party of Canada are more unpopular than ever according to new polling and it could spell disaster for the party in the next election. 

Few plan to vote for the Liberal Party

The latest polling findings from Abacus Data showed only 22% of those surveyed by the public opinion firm still intended to vote for the Liberal Party in the next federal election.  

The lowest vote intention since 2015

National Post’s Tristin Hopper reported the Liberal Party’s latest vote share is the lowest that has been uncovered by Abacus Data since Justin Trudeau was elected PM in 2015. 

Québec is Trudeau’s biggest problem

Things aren’t looking good for Trudeau across Canada, but it is Québec that appears to be his party’s biggest problem following a large surge in support for the Bloc Québécois. 

The Conservatives lead everywhere else

Pierre Poilievre’s Conservative Party is leading Trudeau’s Liberals in every other province and territory in the country by substantial margins, which does not bode well for the Liberals following the collapse of their supply-and-confidence deal with the New Democratic Party. 

Big leads in nearly every province

The Conservatives led the Liberals by 12 points in British Columbia, 17 points in Atlantic Canada, and 21 points in Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario according to Abacus Data's latest polling results. 

Conservative support is largest in Alberta

The Conservatives found the most support in Alberta where they led the Liberal Party with a 46-point margin. The two parties were virtually tied in Québec at 23% and 24% of support.  

The Conservatives are leading the Liberals

The Conservative lead grew to 26 points ahead of the Liberals based on vote intention among those who are certain they will vote, which increased by 4 points from August. 

Conservative support is strengthening

The new polling also showed that Conservative support appeared to be strong with 62% of Conservative backers stating they would vote for the party “no matter what happens.”

Trudeau is deeply unpopular at the moment

In terms of leadership impressions, Trudeau’s negative impression grew to 61% and his positive sunk to 22%, putting his net score at -39, which Abacus Data noted was a new low for the Prime Minister. 

Singh also isn’t very popular with Canadians

Jagmeet Singh’s negative impression grew to 38% and his positive impression dropped to 29%. Singh's -9 net score was better than Trudeau’s but worse than Poilivere’s score. 

Poilievre still fares the best on impression

Poilievre’s numbers remained largely unchanged. He dropped down to a 39% positive impression with Canadian voters and remained steady at a 35% negative impression, earning him a +4 negative score. 

Canadians want Trudeau out of office

When it came to positivity about the country, survey respondents weren’t very optimistic and noted they did not want to reelect Trudeau and wanted a change in government. 

Only a quarter approve of the Liberals

Only 24% of people approve of the job that Trudeau’s government is doing while 62% of those surveyed disapproved, a figure that Abacus Data noted was a new all-time high. 

An overwhelming majority want change

An overwhelming majority of Canadians (86%) want overall change while 56% of people surveyed said that they believed there is a good alternative to Trudeau’s Liberal Party. 

14% believe Trudeau should be reelected

Abacus Data noted in a report on its latest polling findings that “only 14% of Canadians believe that Justin Trudeau and the Liberals deserve to be re-elected.” So according to the latest polling, Trudeau and the Liberals really could be in serious trouble. 

The problem facing the Liberals

“The Prime Minister and the Liberals come back to Parliament facing a population who wants change, is deeply unhappy with their performance, are no more optimistic about the direction of the country than when the summer started, and have never had as negative a view of the Prime Minister as it does today.” wrote Abacus Data CEO David Coletto. 

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